Blue Chip
Personal Training Programs
One primary key to achieving lasting, long-term results and success is a well structured resistance training program. Increase your odds today by signing up for personal training. A study in the Journal of Sports Science & Medicine found that working with a personal trainer increases your chances of achieving your fitness goals by more than 30%.
Jason has been a personal trainer and strength coach for over 15 years, and is a member of the National Strength & Conditioning Association.
Train 1 on 1 or with friends! Contact for more info and receive your personal training program.
Strength & Conditioning
Your team program will be built around your weight room and movement space, your team goals/needs and specific to your student-athletes. There are no cookie-cutter programs but nearly all programs will include basic movement patterns and functional that will assist your your student-athletes current needs as well as setting them up with a strong physical foundation for their entire lives.
Jason has been involved in training student-athletes for over 15 years, certified trainer, power yoga instructor, kettle bell teacher and is a member of the National Strength & Conditioning Association.